A Bulldog, also known as British Bulldog or English Bulldog, is a breed of dog which traces its ancestry to the British Isles. It should not be confused with other varieties such as the American Bulldog or the French Bulldog, which have a similar appearance.
Bulldog, Purebred 6 month-old puppy from AKC Champion bloodlinesThe bulldog is a breed with characteristically thick shoulders and a matching head. There are generally thick folds of skin on a bulldog's brow, followed by round, black, wide-set eyes, a short muzzle with characteristic folds called "rope" above the nose, drooping lips, and pointed teeth. The coat is short, flat and sleek, with colors of red, fawn, white, brindle (mixed colors, often in waves or irregular stripes), and piebalds of these.
In the US, the size of a typical mature male is about 45 pounds and that for mature females is about 45 pounds. In the United Kingdom, the breed standard is 55 pounds for a male and 50 pounds for a female, though it is not uncommon for males to be 60 pounds.
While some canine breeds require their tails to be cut or docked soon after birth, bulldogs are one of very few breeds whose tail is naturally short and curled. A longer upright or "gay" tail is a serious fault in a show bulldog.
Despite their famous "sourpuss" expression, bulldogs are generally docile although can prove to be very fast movers over a short distance. They are friendly and gregarious but occasionally willful. The phrase "stubborn as a bulldog" is loosely rooted in fact. They rank 77th out of 79 in Stanley Coren's The Intelligence of Dogs, being of lowest degree working/obedience intelligence.
Breeders have worked to breed aggression out of the breed, and as such the dog is known to be of generally good temperament. Bulldogs can be so attached to home and family that they will not venture out of the yard without a human companion. Due to their friendly nature bulldogs are known for getting along well with children, other dogs and pets.
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